Friday, August 14, 2009
Examples of Music Groups Specializing in Environmental Music
Billy B. Brennan:
Enuf! Planet’s Favorite Band:
The Wilderbeats:
Rosie Emery:
Banana Slug String Band:
For songs:
Remy Rodden:
Michael Mish Music:
Other websites related to Environmental Songs & Education
Earth Songs:
“a collection of environmental songs, albums, and songbooks, and links to related resources”
Songs for Teaching:
"earth songs about nature, environmental concern, conservation, and alternative sources of energy"
A Playlist of Environmental Songs for Earth Day
(click on the song titles below the blogpost to listen)
General Environmental songs by famous musicians:
the seeds of change
The seeds of change
The Image that I transformed is a picture of an African woman against a dark background with nothing in it. Below the picture is talks about how woman are gaining power but they still need the resources so they can get money to buy land and seeds and plant the seeds of change around them. I cut out pictures of plants and fruits from different magazines and glued them to the copy of the original picture. I wanted to make the background come to life. I left the woman in the picture and left the words “the seeds of change” and “ I am powerful.” I felt that even though I didn’t change the woman in the picture herself, she actually seemed more happy in the second picture. I think this advertisement addresses two issues. It addresses how woman need the resources to buy land and plant seeds and if people help her then we will not only be helping her but we will be helping the whole community.
Pg 55. AARP. September and October 2009
What Happens When You Add Healthy Plants, Fresh Thinking?

I wanted to change the dark, smoky environment. I needed to take out the fire, and the kerosene lamp that was in the previous picture. It was replaced with a ceramic stone pot with beautiful natural plants and weeds. The kerosene lamp is now serving as a pot planter with lilac herb plants inside it. Once a table in the other picture, it has been turned into a natural stone patio with grass, rocks, herbs, and plants around it.
The butterfly appears to be happily flying around this healthy, aromatherapic environment. This environment creates a clear blue sky. The clouds are so healthy, they appear to be dancing in the sky.
When we eliminate gas pollutants in small or large amounts, we create a healthier environment. When we have healthy air, the birds, butterflies, and all living creatures come outdoor to play. Therefore, people become healthy due to the clean air, natural environment, and thriving healthy plants.
Citation: Wired Magazine, page 67, June 2008.
Karen Thompson
Power toward Peace

The ongoing crisis’ in Africa are tragic evolutionary products of war over natural resources. Power abuse and economic survival of the fittest has led to the destruction of communities and families. The systematic rape of women remains rampant. This image serves as one reminder of the perpetuated horrors inflicted on the innocent and its rippling effects. I have been passionate about this issue and the efforts at the Panzi Hospital for rape victims, so this image resonated with me. The oppression and regression of humanity in these regions needs world integrated support to stop the violence and empower the rebuilding of these communities. Women are at the heart of CARE’s work toward fighting global poverty-- through awareness, and equipping women with resources, they “have the power to help whole families and entire communities, improve basic education, prevent the spread of HIV, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources.” ( My remix reflects the perspective of embracing and celebrating the power of women toward global positive change.
Original image: Mother Jones May/June 2009, p.68
Thursday, August 13, 2009

The original image disturbed me because it was the perfect example of how animals suffer and adapt to the pollution caused by human beings. Forced to make a home out of his garbage filled environment the swan constructed a nest made out of grass and garbage. The water surrounding the swan is murky and polluted, yet the swan has managed to adapt to its surroundings so that it can lay eggs and protect his nest. For my digital remix, I wanted to show a scene in which people and animals can live together in harmony. I removed the garbage from the swan’s nest and cleaned out the murky water. On the wall behind the swan, I superimposed a piece of environmental graffiti by Anna Garforth. This was to show a world in which humans not only care for the environment, but express their concern through environmentally friendly art.
Artist Unknown, Pollution: A Mute Swan has built a nest using plastic garbage. Retrieved August 1st, 2009.

This Ritani jewelry ad appeared in Elle Magazine’s August 2009 issue. This ad speaks to a viewer that has allowed them self to become completely disassociated with the global environmental reality we all face. Sadly, I believe that purchasers of jewelry made from Earth extracted metals and gems simply don’t realize or care about the tremendous damage done to our shared planet when the raw materials for their jewelry is blasted from the ground. I used the headline “STOP” but also considered using “REALIZE” as a headline because of this disconnection. While it’s become fashionable to wear only “conflict free” diamonds, people need to realize no diamond, other gem, or precious metal is conflict free. Any substance obtained through a process that leaves behind environmental destruction is born from what is essentially environmental conflict, violence against the Earth. Hopefully, a remix like this would be enough to alert potential jewelry purchasers to the environmental devastation that occurs due to the demand they create.
Elle Magazine, August 2009, page not numbered, located 3 pages before Table of Contents, page 36.
Photo Credits, Top to Left to Right: Fred Mayer-Hulton Archive, Fred Mayer-Hulton Archive, Alexander Joe-AFP, Patrick Landmann-Getty Images News, Issouf Sanogo-AFP, Georges Gobet-AFP, Georges Gobet-AFP
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The original image shows a man standing in an exhibit hall peering into glass at animals preserved by taxidermy. It depressed me to see these beautiful animals lifeless, stuffed, and forced into such a sterile environment. I began thinking how different it would be to return them to a natural setting. So I filled the remix with various images and textures representing earth and sky. Placing the animals in this new environment brought them back to life. I decided to reverse the position of the man and to place him, essentially, inside the frames of the exhibit. I positioned the animals to be curiously peering into the man’s house. This made me think about our connections to nature, particularly wildlife. How can we give back what we have taken away? How can we inhabit the same place—peacefully?
Sarah Besegai
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Save Money, Honor Yourself and The Earth When You Spend It.

Citizens Of Earth

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saving the Humans
Saturday, August 1, 2009
exhausted Mother Nature

This image no longer celebrates the natural environment but rather conveys how we are exhausting the gifts Mother Nature has given us. In the remixed image’s industrial environment she is out of place and lost. In recent years, I have witnessed the clearing of beautiful areas in my area for the construction of plazas and strip malls. Mother Nature is constantly being overworked and overlooked. How are we to change this destructive and devastating cycle?
Source: Architectural Digest, May 2007
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Transforming the Wildlife

I decided to transform the image into a vibrant and colorful piece and write, “Save the Wildlife,” in a larger typeface so the message would attract more attention to consumers. I added a textured border and images of penguins, a turtle, a seal, an eagle, fishes, and flowers. I want to tell my audience how beautiful and fragile our wildlife is and make consumers aware of the endangered species.
Original image: Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, August 2009, Volume 87, No. 8, pg. 101
-Simone Kivett
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Nature's True Value

This True Value Hardware ad struck me as negative. Instead of showing what good things their tools and advice do for the lawn and flowers they show a squirrel who dug up a flower bulb and the angry garden owner looking at him in frustration with the phrase "we've been there" at the top. I thought it would be best to transform this image making the squirrel hold a nut instead of the bulb and show a happy little girl playing in her garden looking exited to see the squirrel. Instead of the garden appearing destroyed, I added nice flowers and green grass. I wanted to show the joy of being in nature and sharing space with animals. I covered the "we've been there" phrase because it did not illustrate my positive message. However, I kept the message at the bottom because it fits with the new image, just giving it a positive twist. Instead of saying True Value can help you fix the mess rodents (such as this squirrel) do, I say here is what a beautiful, enticing and animal friendly garden True Value can help you achieve. I used cut up magazines, pastel, and marker to transform the image. Being my third digital media art remix, the process I felt very natural and comfortable to me.
Original image: Good Housekeeping magazine, June 2009, p. 33
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Evolving from Empty
When I first viewed this image, the color, alignment, and emptiness of the metal rusty barrels lured me to pause, discover, and reflect on the artist’s message in varying associative contexts. I contemplated water bottle production, distribution, and its isolated impact. My thoughts gravitated toward small recycled water bottles as small efforts with minimal global effect, even though derived from positive intent. I viewed these large empty industrial containers as organized symbols of the ignorance and detached greed they cumulatively represent. Individual efforts toward environmental sustainability, in all their authenticity, seem meaningless unless an industrial transformation is embraced. We must evolve from empty corporate propaganda, false efforts, and inaction; we must propel toward responsible, preemptive, and collaborative change at broader levels. I chose to fill these corroded barrels with diverse people, water, and landscapes, as well as recycle the letters/message, as a reminder of the immediate need to move beyond "empty" toward true sustainability and appreciation.
Original image: Chris Jordan, Mother Jones, May/June 2009, p. 60
Waiting for Prince Charming
Changing your environment to a natural environment can create a fairy tale. The story in the original seems dismal and hopeless. The interior is dull, dirty and depressing, setting the scene for a tragic dialogue. By placing the figures outside in a natural, clean and beautiful environment, one wants to tell a different, more enchanting story. The sorrowful bride can dream of a happy ending. Simply being in nature can inspire a different type of story, engage your imagination, and create an escape from the ordinary.
Original image: James Stanfield, A Day in the Life of America, Smithsonian, June 2006, Pg. 20-21
Absence Of Nature- Presence Of Greed
Jordan Lund
Wild Ideas

Original image: Entertainment Weekly. January 30/February 6, 2009 - #1032/1033. Page 15.
Rescue the Reef
Real Food Comes from Nature not a Can: Buy Fresh, Buy Local !
I transformed this Chef Boyardee Beef ravioli ad adverting that a bowl has an entire serving of vegetables in it. This might be true but this product also has a lot additives and preservatives such as corn starch, MSG, and high fructose corn syrup that I wrote below the original message. Therefore I crossed out the can of ravioli and added many brightly colored fruits, vegetables, and nuts all around. The ad also suggests folding the dotted lines together for a more kid-friendly message which says “no veggies.” The line “obviously delicious, secretly nutritious” gives further emphasis to the concept of hiding veggies from kids. Why hide the veggies? I think eating veggies is a habit that needs to be learned at a very young age. Kids can be exited about eating fruits and veggies by participating in the grocery shopping process. I added a picture of a mother and her children in nature to point out that true food comes from nature not a can and motivate families to spend time in the natural environment. I encourage parents to buy fresh and buy local.
Original image: Disney Family Fun magazine, August 2009, p. 23
Free Bird
It was liberating to change the image to my own liking and satisfaction. I chose a still life with nature-inspired man-made objects, including: a yellow orb, a flowered chandelier, a studded red bracelet and a painted black bird.
I wanted to place these objects back into a natural environment with greenness, growth, plants, fruits, insects and other animals. I did this by finding images that fit my goal.
The bird became so happy in his new environment that he started singing. I feel like I set him free. Changing the image helped me feel powerful and constructive—and activist and artist.
Original image: Ditte Isager, Domino Magazine, March 2008, p. 107Sarah B.
baby steps
My original image was an advertisement for signing up for free e-statements from my bank. I have always received my statements in the mail. I never really thought about changing over to conserve on paper use. Having a shredder I am constantly shredding junk mailers. Not only did I find the woman with the grass shirt appealing, I also liked the text at the top left of the card which read, “You don’t have to go to the extreme to make a difference.” I appreciate the notion of living to the cliché that one person can make a difference even if they make changes in baby steps. With this concept, I altered the image to illustrate that we are running out of time so I decided to use imagery of re-usable bags and water bottles. I also used the text “Let there be more Green Earth” to convey our responsibilities to Mother Nature.
Original image: Clinton Savings Bank, postcard advertisement, July 2009
A New City
When I first found this image in the National Geographic Magazine from July 2009, I was astonished at the environment of the city and cemetery in
Original image: National Geographic Magazine, July 2009, Volume 216, No. 1 from "Serbs Face the Future", Photographer, Christopher Anderson, pg. 117.
Simone Kivettget back to nature
The original name of this image was, “What the living do” by Marie Howe. I choose this image as one I wanted to change because this woman needed to be taken out of the 50’s and into present day culture. The subject looks as though her life passion is walking down Park street shopping for material items with her prize winning dog. Since modern day culture has become beyond obsessed with obtaining material items I decided to send out a different message. GET BACK TO NATURE! In the created image I placed the woman outside in nature. I took her out of her restricted clothing and let her hair down. She is now a free woman that does not need to spend money on material items to be truly happy. She is sending a message to look around and enjoy your surrondings.
Original Image: The Oprah Magazine, Marie Howe, "What The Living Do", 2006. Pg 45
Media Remiss

Original image: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty, "Life is About Choices", People, July 20, 2009, pg. 60
Be My Mommy

Original image: "First class seat", Macy's advertisement, Oprah Magazine, 2006, p. 57
Natural Materials, Healthy Environment

I wanted to celebrate the wonders of nature and outdoors; walking, planting, enjoying the landscape of trees and gardens. I wanted to take out the watch from the previous picture and replace it with someone exercising and being in touch with nature. Also, you notice the woman who is walking has a smile on her face; the other one does not. I replaced her clothing with clothing made out of nature. It is important in saving our environment to use natural materials. Clothing, of natural materials, and walking outside creates a healthy individual and is better for the environment.
Original image: Oprah Magazine, May 2006, p. back cover
Karen Thompson