The first image was shocking to me because it was a picture of a dead stuffed rabbit with antlers. It was appalling to think that this would be the image for an ad. When I looked closer I saw that it was for Esurance, a company that claims to save people money and the ad was suggesting that they don't care what you spend the money you save on, even if it happens to be a dead stuffed rabbit. My response to this was, why show an image of death and disconnection as a possibility of what to spend money on when you could be offering suggestions of health and well being as options to spend money. I transformed the image to suggest playing outside, being with friends and family, eating healthy food, taking care of yourself with exercise and play, traveling and being out in nature as much better options to spend the money you save. I left their text because I think it would be great for them to save people money and even better for them to offer options of spending that encourage self, family and outdoor health. This is much better than encouraging people to buy dead animals or any other material objects that will not benefit their health and well being. The line then, "How you spend it is up to you," is seen as, look at all these wonderful options that support the earth and your well being, go enjoy your life.
Image found in Entertainment Weekly, Special Oscar Guide '09, page 85.