The ongoing crisis’ in Africa are tragic evolutionary products of war over natural resources. Power abuse and economic survival of the fittest has led to the destruction of communities and families. The systematic rape of women remains rampant. This image serves as one reminder of the perpetuated horrors inflicted on the innocent and its rippling effects. I have been passionate about this issue and the efforts at the Panzi Hospital for rape victims, so this image resonated with me. The oppression and regression of humanity in these regions needs world integrated support to stop the violence and empower the rebuilding of these communities. Women are at the heart of CARE’s work toward fighting global poverty-- through awareness, and equipping women with resources, they “have the power to help whole families and entire communities, improve basic education, prevent the spread of HIV, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources.” (www.care.org). My remix reflects the perspective of embracing and celebrating the power of women toward global positive change.
Original image: Mother Jones May/June 2009, p.68