Friday, August 12, 2011

The oil spills affects on wildlife

Artist’s name: Charlie Riedel

Title of work: A bird covered in oil flails in the surf at East Grand Terre Island, La.

Title of magazine: Discovering News website article

The oil spill from the deepwater horizon rig explosion has not only affected the coastline of several states but has also devastated the local wildlife throughout the Gulf of Mexico. I found this image on the Discovery website. The photo depicts a seagull completely covered in a thick glaze of oil. This unfortunate tragedy has taken the life of the bird, so that the bird’s body lays upside down floating in the ocean’s current.

When I remixed the image, I turned the seagull’s body into a rock and placed a baby bird on top of the rock. The young, fuzzy chick scampers about the rock with enthusiasm. In the background, I placed a horizon line and brightly colored clouds. The remixed image represents the beauty of life and nature. We must remember how delicate nature is and must respect the earth by taking care of it.
