When I first saw this image in a magazine I was drawn to the picture because of all the colorful fish and reefs. I then read the description that was with the image. I read about how pollution, overfishing and climate change are destroying the coral reefs. I was very surprised when I read that 70% of the world’s reefs may disappear within 50 years. I decided that I wanted to change this image from what it looks likes now to what it will look like if we keep ignoring the problem. I covered up all the reefs and fish with blue paper and added black to emphasize the emptiness of the water. I also added a red arrow pointing toward the word disappear. Marine life and humans will suffer if we don’t protect our reefs. I love the ocean and I don’t want to see this happen.
Original image: Nature Conservancy Photo, Rescue the Reef, AARP, 2009, pg. 57
Liz Swienton