Friday, August 14, 2009
Examples of Music Groups Specializing in Environmental Music
Billy B. Brennan:
Enuf! Planet’s Favorite Band:
The Wilderbeats:
Rosie Emery:
Banana Slug String Band:
For songs:
Remy Rodden:
Michael Mish Music:
Other websites related to Environmental Songs & Education
Earth Songs:
“a collection of environmental songs, albums, and songbooks, and links to related resources”
Songs for Teaching:
"earth songs about nature, environmental concern, conservation, and alternative sources of energy"
A Playlist of Environmental Songs for Earth Day
(click on the song titles below the blogpost to listen)
General Environmental songs by famous musicians:
the seeds of change
The seeds of change
The Image that I transformed is a picture of an African woman against a dark background with nothing in it. Below the picture is talks about how woman are gaining power but they still need the resources so they can get money to buy land and seeds and plant the seeds of change around them. I cut out pictures of plants and fruits from different magazines and glued them to the copy of the original picture. I wanted to make the background come to life. I left the woman in the picture and left the words “the seeds of change” and “ I am powerful.” I felt that even though I didn’t change the woman in the picture herself, she actually seemed more happy in the second picture. I think this advertisement addresses two issues. It addresses how woman need the resources to buy land and plant seeds and if people help her then we will not only be helping her but we will be helping the whole community.
Pg 55. AARP. September and October 2009
What Happens When You Add Healthy Plants, Fresh Thinking?

I wanted to change the dark, smoky environment. I needed to take out the fire, and the kerosene lamp that was in the previous picture. It was replaced with a ceramic stone pot with beautiful natural plants and weeds. The kerosene lamp is now serving as a pot planter with lilac herb plants inside it. Once a table in the other picture, it has been turned into a natural stone patio with grass, rocks, herbs, and plants around it.
The butterfly appears to be happily flying around this healthy, aromatherapic environment. This environment creates a clear blue sky. The clouds are so healthy, they appear to be dancing in the sky.
When we eliminate gas pollutants in small or large amounts, we create a healthier environment. When we have healthy air, the birds, butterflies, and all living creatures come outdoor to play. Therefore, people become healthy due to the clean air, natural environment, and thriving healthy plants.
Citation: Wired Magazine, page 67, June 2008.
Karen Thompson
Power toward Peace

The ongoing crisis’ in Africa are tragic evolutionary products of war over natural resources. Power abuse and economic survival of the fittest has led to the destruction of communities and families. The systematic rape of women remains rampant. This image serves as one reminder of the perpetuated horrors inflicted on the innocent and its rippling effects. I have been passionate about this issue and the efforts at the Panzi Hospital for rape victims, so this image resonated with me. The oppression and regression of humanity in these regions needs world integrated support to stop the violence and empower the rebuilding of these communities. Women are at the heart of CARE’s work toward fighting global poverty-- through awareness, and equipping women with resources, they “have the power to help whole families and entire communities, improve basic education, prevent the spread of HIV, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources.” ( My remix reflects the perspective of embracing and celebrating the power of women toward global positive change.
Original image: Mother Jones May/June 2009, p.68