My family used to invite military personnel home for the holidays or would ask a person from a homeless shelter to dinner on the holidays. My dad was an epicurean chef who worked at various large restaurants in New York and Boston and his idea was to share what we had, that he was grateful he could provide for six children and his wife. The original image came from the National Geographic Magazine of the 1990's and shows the World Food Day Anniversary which was October 16th. The Food and Agriculture Organization was created in 1945 as part of the United Nations.
My remix shows how we can make a difference in the world, not by just offering people food, but by being part of the community and sharing your good fortune with others not quite so fortunate. My idea was to make a day (or days) throughout the year to provide food to others in your own community. By sharing what you have, the ties to the community grow stronger and you develop a greater sense of what is around you and connect to that energy.