Rolling Stone, Issue 1122, Jan 20, 2011, Ad from page 21
IT'S NATURAL: A media remix
I found this ad in Rolling Stone Magazine. It is a picture of a male gorilla kissing his reflection. The headline reads "Tough Yet Beautiful".
The male gorilla is a massive creature, muscles bulge out-he is all strength. It is the strongest, biggest, boldest male gorilla that is the packs leader. The lucky male will have dominate reproduction rights in the pack.
I've parelled the gorilla image to the human male image found in magazines. Images of man with ripped abs, shirtless and youthful flood pages to sell products. Communicating buy this and this is how you'll look.
In a playful way, I have dolled up this male model to an exaggerated level. He looks like a jigolo with a Budweiser bow tie, red bull xxx, logo where a shirt should be. He is holding a coke logo and a star burst of products offsets the images. In a playful gesture the gorilla now kisses the human male in a narcissistic manner.
Today much of society condemns this "show" of masculine promiscuity but I question if it is in large part human nature.