I chose an image from a National Geographic Magazine which depicts a crab trying to navigate his way through a beach which has been covered with oil from a spill in the Mediterranean Sea. This spill was the result of a bombing of a power station in Beirut Lebanon by Israeli planes in 2006. This, like all other oil spills was catastrophic to the animals and environment which depend on these habitats for survival.
More often than not, upon seeing an image like this, people will think to themselves 'Its just a crab'. Its easy for people to ignore a pollution problem because most don't recognize it as their personal responsibility to act. If it does not affect their life directly, it is easy to go on with our lives and not worry about the damage being done. The only creatures that suffer are the animals.
In my remix image, I put people in the same situation as the crab; oil covered, just trying to go about their daily lives. By making them the same size as the crab it illuminates the illusion that humans are more important than animals and nature. These people are forced to face the issue because they too are consumed by the oil spill. If humans suffered the consequences to the same extent as humans there wouldn't be as much environmental abuse.
By Katherine McCourt
Original image citation: Patrick Baz