I chose the original image of the model because it bothered me for several reasons. First, I strongly dislike that she is wearing fur – like many people, I find the fur trade disturbing. I also dislike the composition of the image overall in it and lacks any sort of background, context, or emotional connection. I feel the image represents some of the worst part of American consumer culture – we unapologetically take from nature (here, via the fur), disconnect ourselves from nature (there is no respect or connection for the animal shown in this image), and use products from nature for superficial purposes (as an indication of fashion or wealth).
In the remixed image, I wanted to cover the model's fur outfit with natural colors and textures to eliminate it from the photograph as much as possible. I also wanted to use the new garments and other natural images to place the model in a position secondary to nature, to illustrate that nature is bigger and more important than this individual person's image. I also added color to the model's face and gave her hair to make her look more alive, natural, and connected to the earth.
by Kestrel Dunn
Original image citation: Marie Claire Magazine, Oct. 2013, p. 291
by Kestrel Dunn
Original image citation: Marie Claire Magazine, Oct. 2013, p. 291