This image is idealistic. It shows a portrait of humans interacting with nature appropriately. The ships are peacefully sailing into the sunset as a seagull flies in the sky. However, the text has nothing to do with the environment. It is an advertisement for vacationing in Key West. In my remix, I attempted to isolate key words from the text to reshape what the image actually portrays. I changed the words to read, " more a song. quintessential state of being." The relationship between human beings and the environment should be more like a song, where all the notes should fit together to create something beautiful. I wanted the image to look like fantasy. In many cases, people are able to interact with the environment peacefully and appropriately. However, given what is happening not so far from Key West right now in the Gulf of Mexico. I thought it fitting to portray this image as a fantasy. Something that people can and should hope to achieve. I want this image to remind people that the relationship between humans and nature is an important one. Human beings need to get back to basics and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. We need to be kind to the world we have. Sail peacefully while a seagull flies overhead.
Original Image: Coastal Living, September 2009, pg 103