My digital art remix focuses on
social justice and reform. In the original ad, you see a gentleman selling
veggies in a “veggie truck”. Interestingly, he is serving a little girl a bowl
of broccoli dressed up in Ranch Dressing. Though the advertisement is well
intended, I don’t believe it justifies the reality of what is happening in our
communities. Needless to say, more often than not our children and families,
from poorer and more urbanized cities are affected by limited, natural resources.
Gardening may not be an option for folks due to little or no back yard space.
Even if so, a lot of parents are working two-three shifts and are not able to
prepare cooked meals for their children. Unfortunately, folks are left eating
at the resources that they are surrounded by; inexpensive food chains, such as
McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy’s (Note: A great Marketing Strategy). All
while stores such as Trader Joes and Whole Foods, providing nutritional
supplements are found miles away, a car ride away. Let’s face it; many have no
means of transportation. So with that said, I thought it would be nice to
transform this image by adding in a mix of cultural and urban city background,
cost of veggies at an affordable rate, and resourceful information on the side
of the truck. Truthfully, this truck would probably not be a “hit” with the
kids but by adding the additional visuals on my image, I hope it speaks volumes
on behalf of social justice and awareness regarding our natural resources.
By Yazmin
Original Image Citation: Hey Kids, It’s Veggies. The Oprah Magazine, Page 69.