The image I chose bothered me a lot for various reasons. I
know the concept was supposed to show that if the shoes were purchased they
would be able to defy gravity and that running with the sneakers would help a
person to “Rise above the run.” What I disliked most about the advertisement
was that there is a sloth high up in the tree handing out water to the people
running. I wanted to change the image and change the idea of following the
crowd. Originality is usually something that is strived for, however, I feel
that more and more people are seemingly trying to just follow the crowd and fit
in with the latest trends and ideas. It’s hard for a lot of people to do things
out of their comfort zone. I took the runners and showed them all following
each other off the cliff and into the water. I chose an image of a man who was
in a great deal of pain from landing in the water. I wanted to get the idea across
that it is okay to not follow the crowd and it will be less painful than it may
Sarah Liebowitz
Original image: Runner’s World, July 2014 issue, pages