I chose to remix an image from the recent oil spill in the gulf. I saw this picture of a swan (or a goose, unfortunately I can't really tell what it was before it was covered in oil) swimming serenely through oil filled waters. I was doing research for my preschoolers earth themed week and came across this image. In changing it, I wanted to capture the broken feeling that such an event can cause not only the animals but also on the people of a region. I was moved by the image of the swan, covered in oil, swimming somewhat normally despite being covered in oil. Thought the image was quite disturbing, it was almost serene to see the swan acting on instinct. I thought it appeared to be in an almost dreamlike state. I imagined that perhaps it was dreaming of another swan, or of itself before the spill. Perhaps it's also dreaming of cleaner waters and the way it's natural habitat should be. The swan should be enjoying a day at the beach, oil free.
Shannon Keaveney
Photo credit (from http://www.ecokids.ca/blog/)
Courtesy flickr user Marine Photobank