The original image of the dead flamingo is disturbing because it is an unnatural occurrence. It is not uncommon to have large deaths of flamingos over several years because of natural population control, but this flamingo died because of humans. The pesticides and factory pollution have poisoned the waters where the flamingo lives, thus causing their unnatural deaths by sickening them and killing their food supply. In the original image, the flamingo is bright and the landscape is dark. In my remix, I chose to do the opposite. The human world is represented by the bright swirling colors and the flamingo/animal world is represented by black electric lights. The idea is to show how the human world is swallowing the flamingo/animal world and extinguishing their light. The woman figure is representational of Mother Nature. She is also brightly colored because humans need to help Mother Nature in order to stop useless dying of flamingos and other animals due to unnatural causes and pollution by man.
Source: National Geographic [Failing Flamingos], April 2007, p. 23