While strolling on a familiar beach on the way to the water, a member of a family encounters one of nature's sublime wonders, the sea turtle. The child uncertain of what is transforming, stands a far back as the other members of his party draw near to spectacle. Instead of enjoying fun in the sun, the adults turn the sighting into a teachable moment to interact and talk about what is happening after the child starts asking many questions. The curiosity of the child, intrigues the family to indulge in the experience to talking about the life cycle of the sea turtle and how it's an endangered species in nature. These responsible adults are laying the foundation of appreciation for nature and knowledge about the world around us. Nature grants us the privilege to witness the journey of life as the sea turtle returns to the same shores to birth the next generation as this cycle continues. It also gives a grim reminder of the dangers wildlife face on a daily basis when disaster happen either by human error or accident.
Original image: Taken From National Geographic October 2010 Edition
"Forlorn in the Bayou" by Bruce Barcott
Photographed by Joel Sartore
Remixed by: Gayleen Warner
Lesley University Summer 2013