Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Power of Three

The Power of Three

by Mary Beth Stevenson

When I saw this image in my daughter's magazine it brought back many feelings from my past.
Why is it that three girls or women can not get along. Why must they make one person the odd man out. This has been a problem for generations. However, I think it is exacerbated today with all the technology that is a part of our lives. When students leave their technology behind and go out into the world of nature they experience a restorative quality. In nature everything is different and to embrace nature we learn to embrace uniqueness. Each leaf on a tree is different, each petal of a flower is different. Why can't we learn to embrace the unique qualities we each exhibit? Nature also teaches us to work together. When we study how all things work together in the environment we have a better understanding how we should all work together.

image from American Girl July/August 2013