Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Don't you feel like eating watermelon?!

The original image is a picture of a watermelon stand on the Caspian Sea shore. The sellers looks very board and lonely and there are no buyers. The environment seems industrialized and abandoned at the same time. In my remix I've kept the watermelons (the best part of the picture!) and turned the gloomy stand into a watermelon festival. I've added people interacting with the watermelons, and the sellers is now sitting in the front and smiling. I brought life to the background by adding nature elements as well as some town/village houses. I wanted to maintain the rural atmosphere but make it more vital.

Original image: Said Huseynov, in Natural History  journal, Dec' 2011/January 2012, pp.34  
Remix: Yael Ginossar