My original image depicted a laughing child being tossed in the air in the pool by her father's hands. She was at a backyard pool with a typical manicured lawn. I loved how joyous she seemed and that the title of the image was "Live Life," however the tame lawn was bothersome to me and I wanted to incorporate more organic nature into the image. The main theme I wanted to emphasize in my remixed image is how important it is that we give our children opportunities to fall in love with nature, and not immediately jump to teaching facts. I decided to make this child the center of my new image and surround her with different natural images. A huge tree, birch trees, the ocean, and purple flowers are found along side of her. I turned the circle "Oprah Magazine" logo in the top center of the page into a type of sun or crown around the child's head, because the sun is the source of energy for life and nature on our Earth! I left her father's hands visible because he is guiding her into the air, just as teachers we are guiding our students to love nature and the environment. The whole time I was working on this image I was wondering why the title was not "Love Life," so, in my new image, I cut out an "o" from a magazine and changed the title.
Remix by Annie Duffey
Citation: Oprah Magazine, pg. 25, August 2013