What is pollution?
Billy B. Brennan: http://www.billybproductions.com/
Enuf! Planet’s Favorite Band: http://www.enufwaste.com/
The Wilderbeats: http://www.wilderbeats.com/home/
Rosie Emery: http://www.interconnected.ca/
Remy Rodden: http://www.thinkabout.ca/Think_About/Home.html
Michael Mish Music: http://www.mishmashmusic.com/
Unknown Photographer. New York Times. July 31st, 2001. Section A, pg. 7.
Artist’s name: Charlie Riedel
Title of work: A bird covered in oil flails in the surf at East Grand Terre Island, La.
Title of magazine: Discovering News website articlehttp://news.discovery.com/animals/oiled-birds-gulf-oil-spill.html